Wednesday, February 4, 2009

all our friends in different clothes

still hang out on the weekends. these night are very long
(and nothing ever was this easy)
we are trying to stay young.
like that time we went to uptown, cause you knew i'd drive you home.
and then we hung out all last summer
with all our friends in different clothes.

still riding our bikes like it was 2002
and i dont know who i am
and i told you i liked blonde hair
but not for all the love in the world.

now we're people watching people
with bigger hands and no reward
but still fucking around like it was 2002
and i dont know who i am

but we've got sweat on our foreheads
talk in the bedroom
long-lasting goodbyes in the cold
and we've got our hands in our pockets
eyes on the rebound
doubts with religion and ourselves.